By the way, that amazing graphic up above was provided by the homie Mike 2600 and will be available on a T-shirt at the party! Also, huuggggeee thanks to Jonathan Earl for the mix and master and for letting us invade his Wisconsin studio on Superbowl Sunday! Dude is even a Packer fan (yikes)!
Where You From? (Screwed) f. Barry
My Man Says
Cypher Prince & his CVS Glasses
Goochi Jook
Get Down 4 Cryphy
White Tee Going Thru Hell
Her Crack?
The Pitbull Part
Cory Plus Wayne = 6'7"
No Crazy Lady
Dead Start (Cryphy Mix)
Tacos & Nachos
Fundo's Threesome
Dougie 2
Swing Your Fancy Rag
Wait A Minute Motherlover
40 Got It
Another Threesome
Animal (Prof)
Cryphy Drunk 2 Step
More Clips
-Money Trilogy-
Mo Money (Knonam)
Thanks Emynd
The NAME (Dropper)
Milk & Fresca
We Bringin' X Back
Dude Got Burnt
More Cowbell
Crazy Rite Now
WE Invited Pun
Pun Brought Muffins
Muffin A Muffin
Ho 1
Ho 2
Where You From? (Barry's Back)
Thanks Again Emynd
C.F.F. - Hard In The F @Mike2600
F-ck That Hilfiger
Mommy's Corsica
Who Fights To This?
Who sings that milk & fresca song its so ill!!